Noosa is quite possibly the best brand of yogurt out there, so this is where we start.
The blueberry one is fairly sweet, with little actual blueberries imbedded. I personally like the gradient of color when you open the yogurt to eat it, and I don't disturb that ombre of colors by mixing up the yogurt. Others do, which is fine, it's a preference thing.
Noosa is incredibly creamy, and I feel like you're getting a lot of yogurt (it's 8oz, but I think they now have smaller versions too). I remember when this first showed up in the grocery stores, and it was VERY exciting.
Although it's an Australian concept, I'm pretty sure that it was founded in Boulder, CO, which is also one of my favorite places.
Do not go through life without trying this -- and try ALL of the flavors (I'm partial to the lemon one). Then, when you're feeling advanced, start adding stuff in like granola. OMG it's so good.